Healing Arts

How to Destress the Brain

May 21, 2023 Live Well, Eat Well, Be Well Season 1 Episode 57
How to Destress the Brain
Healing Arts
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Healing Arts
How to Destress the Brain
May 21, 2023 Season 1 Episode 57
Live Well, Eat Well, Be Well

When faced with an unwanted situation have you ever noticed that your mind goes to worse case scenario or down a rabbit hole of ‘what ifs’?  When the mind is behaving crazy it’s running ancient programs belonging to the limbic brain that focuses on survival and fear.  To change this and stop the limbic brain from running the ancient programs we need to cut off it’s supply of sugar.  In this podcast Dr. Armitstead explains what changes to make to change brain chemistry and neural pathways to help with anxiety, depression, PTSD,  and moodiness. 

If you are stuck in anxiety or have a fear you know is holding you from your best life know that there is a way to reprogram your neural pathways and help your brain health by detoxifying the brain, supporting the brain with good nutrition, implementing good stress management and doing PSYCH-K®.

PSYCH-K® is an energy-balancing technique to help individuals transform their subconscious beliefs. It uses techniques such as visualizations, affirmations, and muscle testing to help reprogram the subconscious mind and create new neurological pathways.

Reference Links

Brain increases brain volume: https://europepmc.org/article/MED/16763039
To write a better life story: https://healingartsnyc.blogspot.com/2016/05/life-is-story.html

PSYCH-K®: https://healingarts.buzzsprout.com/894679/3985814-psych-k-and-more

Poisons and the Blood Brain Barrier: https://healingarts.buzzsprout.com/894679/4731317-poison-and-the-blood-brain-barrier

Show Notes

When faced with an unwanted situation have you ever noticed that your mind goes to worse case scenario or down a rabbit hole of ‘what ifs’?  When the mind is behaving crazy it’s running ancient programs belonging to the limbic brain that focuses on survival and fear.  To change this and stop the limbic brain from running the ancient programs we need to cut off it’s supply of sugar.  In this podcast Dr. Armitstead explains what changes to make to change brain chemistry and neural pathways to help with anxiety, depression, PTSD,  and moodiness. 

If you are stuck in anxiety or have a fear you know is holding you from your best life know that there is a way to reprogram your neural pathways and help your brain health by detoxifying the brain, supporting the brain with good nutrition, implementing good stress management and doing PSYCH-K®.

PSYCH-K® is an energy-balancing technique to help individuals transform their subconscious beliefs. It uses techniques such as visualizations, affirmations, and muscle testing to help reprogram the subconscious mind and create new neurological pathways.

Reference Links

Brain increases brain volume: https://europepmc.org/article/MED/16763039
To write a better life story: https://healingartsnyc.blogspot.com/2016/05/life-is-story.html

PSYCH-K®: https://healingarts.buzzsprout.com/894679/3985814-psych-k-and-more

Poisons and the Blood Brain Barrier: https://healingarts.buzzsprout.com/894679/4731317-poison-and-the-blood-brain-barrier