Healing Arts
Welcome to Healing arts podcast! I am Dr. Alicia Armitstead where I try to make healthy living a reality by talking to my audience about eating well, how to sleep better, healthy ways to detox, stress management tips, mindfulness, exercise, the power of meditation and prayer and everything else that one can do to live their healthiest life.Whether you are suffering from headaches, arthritis, allergies, insomnia, infertility, digestive issues, pain, eczema, acne, etc. or are in good health and want to continue on that path this podcast of living well, eating well, and being well is for you!
65 episodes
25 Healthy Things to Do for 2025
Dr. Armitstead talks about 25 healthy things she does in her daily life and shares them with you. Learn what she does naturally to detox, her skin care routine, and how she keeps her immune system strong. Resources:...

Spring Detox
In this episode Dr. Armitstead explains the importance of detoxing the body is not just about getting rid of heavy metals and chemicals but also supporting the body. She gives health tips on how to support the liver, circulation system an...
Season 1
Episode 63

Nutrition for the Skin
Taking care of your skin is not just about using the right beauty products. It’s about making sure your detox pathway are open and the liver is strong enough to detox properly so the skin doesn’t have to. The skin is the largest detox org...
Season 1
Episode 63

24 Healthy Things to do in 2024
Happy New Year! Dr. Armitstead talks about 24 healthy things she does in her daily life and shares them with you. Learn what she does naturally to whiten her teeth, her skin care routine, detox routine and how she keeps her immune s...
Season 1
Episode 62

A Strong Nervous System for a Healthy Body
Do you suffer from brain fog, irritability, trouble sleeping, poor memory, or heart palpitations? You could have a stuck nervous system. Dr. Armitstead explains what a stuck nervous system is and how to support not only your nervous...
Season 1
Episode 61

The Three Phases of Weight Loss
Weight loss can be a tricky thing for a lot of people because it is hormonal based. If you want to lose weight there are 3 phases to doing it in a healthy way. The first phase is the transition to restore metabolism. Once that is establis...
Season 1
Episode 60
Hormone Imbalance Remedies
Dr Armitstead explains how to support the body when going through perimenopause or menopause or what to do if your period is irregular, either getting your period too often or when missing your period and how to become more fertile. She a...
Season 1
Episode 59
How to Fast to Get the Most Health Benefits
In this episode Dr. Armitstead explains the health benefits of fasting and how it can help with cleansing the body, lowering cholesterol, lowering blood pressure, having better energy and weight loss. Learn her tricks for successful...
Season 1
Episode 58

How to Destress the Brain
When faced with an unwanted situation have you ever noticed that your mind goes to worse case scenario or down a rabbit hole of ‘what ifs’? When the mind is behaving crazy it’s running ancient programs belonging to the limbic brain that f...
Season 1
Episode 57
How To Lower Blood Pressure Naturally
If you or someone you love has high blood pressure or inflammation listen to this podcast! You’re blood pressure may be borderline, or you just got diagnosed with high blood pressure, maybe you have been on medication for decades or maybe...
Season 1
Episode 56

How to Get Healthy Post COVID
Unfortunately with Omicron Dr. Armitstead has now seen enough post-COVID patients from various strains to create this podcast. Good news is if you have gotten COVID and still feel off in any way she has some health tips to help you feel l...
Season 1
Episode 55

22 Healthy Things to Do in 2022
If you are looking for a way to incorporate a healthier lifestyle Dr. Armitstead will take you through 22 different health tips. These health tips are from Dr. Armitstead's daily routine and as you listen the goal is for you to add ...
Season 1
Episode 54

What Foods to Eat For Better Health Part 2
If you want to learn about what foods to eat for optimal health this is the second part of a podcast that gives details on how to do just that. Dr. Armitstead explains what cow milk is the healthiest and the need to avoid soy and corn in ...
Season 1
Episode 53

What Foods to Eat for Better Health Part 1
Have you ever wondered what foods were optimal for better health? There can be a lot of confusion between grass-fed, organic, sprouted grains, and gluten-free labels. In this episode Dr. Armitstead takes you down the food aisl...
Season 1
Episode 52

Learn How Sugar Ruins Your Health and How to Detox From It.
In this episode Dr. Armitstead explains how white refined sugar ruins our health, how a lot of the sugar in our foods is actually no longer from sugar cane but from genetically modified beets and how to add healthy sugar alternatives into our d...
Season 1
Episode 51

Coconut: My Favorite Superfood
Learn why I love coconut! I love everything about coconut and use coconut products on a daily basis. I truly believe coconut oil is super healing for digestion, heart health and boosting up the immune system (especially for killing ...
Season 1
Episode 50

Anti-Aging Part 2: Stem Cells
Learn how to stimulate your stem cells to stay younger! Dr. Armitstead also shares the number one thing not to drink that stunts your stem cell growth. Also learn how antioxidants keep you young and how to keep your lymphatic system...
Season 1
Episode 49

Anti-Aging Part 1
Learn the best way to breathe, and how holding your breath can rejuvenate the body. Dr. Armitstead shares how to prevent an asthma attack, why laughter is the best medicine and how to breathe during a panic attack. She explains Adva...
Season 1
Episode 48

21 Healthy Things To Do In 2021
Dr. Armitstead gets asked a lot what her daily routine is so she made this podcast of 21 things you should do for your health with the goal of adding them into your daily routine by the end of the year. Learn what she uses to wash her fru...
Season 1
Episode 47

Ozone Sauna Therapy
Who doesn’t love to sweat out toxins for better health? Dry saunas and steam rooms have been used for centuries to help people feel better not just by the relaxation but by the heat allowing one to sweat out toxins and boost the immune sy...
Season 1
Episode 46

Salt Booth Therapy
Learn the healing benefits of salt therapy as Dr. Armitstead shares in this episode her newest edition to the Healing Arts services, a Himalayan Salt Booth. Enjoy the relaxation, the ambiance but most of all the health benefits of breathi...
Season 1
Episode 45

PEMF Therapy: The Wonders of Healing Using Energy Waves
PEMF is an acronym for Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Field. PEMF therapy consists of a mat which emits pulses of energy waves. Dr. Armitstead explains in this episode that PEMF energy courses through the body directly to inflamed or injured are...
Season 1
Episode 44

Sedona Method
Dr. Armitstead truly believes we create our lives. We may not have control over everything that happens in our life but we do have control with how we react and the goal is to learn to make lemonade out of lemons in any situation. O...
Season 1
Episode 43