Healing Arts

A Strong Nervous System for a Healthy Body

Live Well, Eat Well, Be Well Season 1 Episode 61

Do you suffer from brain fog, irritability, trouble sleeping, poor memory, or heart palpitations?  You could have a stuck nervous system.  Dr. Armitstead explains what a stuck nervous system is and how to support not only your nervous system naturally but also your thyroid, adrenals and heart which all have to be working well for you to have a strong nervous system. 

HeartMath Institute https://healingarts.buzzsprout.com/894679/7513627-heartmath-solution 

Emotional Release technique (https://www.healingartsnyc.com/emotional-release-therapy-nyc

Psych-K https://www.healingartsnyc.com/Psych-K-Therapy-NYC

Tea Bar https://www.healingartsnyc.com/medicinal-tea-bar-NY

PEMF https://healingarts.buzzsprout.com/894679/7777726-pemf-therapy-the-wonders-of-healing-using-energy-waves