Healing Arts

HeartMath Solution

Live Well, Eat Well, Be Well Season 1 Episode 42

When helping people heal we make sure the nervous system is working well. The nervous system isn't only the brain, spine and nerves but also the heart.  The HeartMath Institute researches how important it is to have the heart and brain neurologically working together to have less stress on the body.  In this episode Dr. Armitstead explains the 10 easy steps of the HeartMath solution that can help you manage your emotions and feel less stressed by getting you out of your head and into the heart where your true nature lies.   Emotional healing is just as important as detoxing the body and giving the body the right nutritional support.  It’s so important mind, body, spirit.  They are all connected.  


Heartmath Solution Book - https://store.heartmath.com/the-heartmath-solution/

Virus of the Mind - https://books.google.com/books/about/Virus_of_the_Mind.html?id=RV36DwAAQBAJ

Your Body Speaks to You: Stress Reduction - https://www.buzzsprout.com/894679/episodes/5549773

Detoxing Stress - https://www.buzzsprout.com/894679/episodes/6521665