Healing Arts
Healing Arts
What Foods to Eat For Better Health Part 2
If you want to learn about what foods to eat for optimal health this is the second part of a podcast that gives details on how to do just that. Dr. Armitstead explains what cow milk is the healthiest and the need to avoid soy and corn in your diet. It's trickier than you think! She also explains how if you don't eat specific for your body type then leaky gut and food sensitivities can occur. Lectins in food can be a cause of leaky gut. She shares with you what foods to avoid when eating lectin-free and why it's best to get muscle tested to see what specific foods are bothering you. Lastly, she talks about the health benefits of chocolate and which chocolate is healthiest to eat.
Studies Showing Adverse Effects of Soy: http://www.westonaprice.org/wp-content/uploads/FDASoyReferences.pdf
Whole Fat Milk is Best Studies: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26912496/
Plant Based Calcium Sources: http://healingartsnyc.blogspot.com/2018/06/got-milk-if-not-try-these-other-calcium.html
Empty Harvest by Dr. Bernard Jensen https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/349668.Empty_Harvest
Leaky Gut Podcast https://healingarts.buzzsprout.com/894679/4084652-digestion-leaky-gut-and-lectins
Plant Paradox by Dr. Gundry https://drgundry.com/books/
High Libido Diet: https://healingartsnyc.blogspot.com/2015/04/the-high-libido-diet.html
Make Your Own Chocolate: https://healingartsnyc.com/raw-chocolate