Healing Arts
Healing Arts
Emotional Wellbeing Part 2
Dr. Armitstead continues to give tools on how to help with emotions and daily stress by explaining self sabotage. It comes from our subconscious mind that holds our hidden beliefs that affect our daily life. To get to these subconscious beliefs Dr. Armitstead uses muscle testing and a technique called Psych-K to help her patients live the life they want. Another tool she shares is one she developed herself called Hopetance. Hopetance is where acceptance and hope meet in a current situation to bring about clarity, wisdom and discernment. She then goes through the steps one needs to do in order to have hopetance. The third tool she gives is called Emotional Freedom Technique or tapping where you tap certain acupuncture points to release stuck emotion in the body.
Virus of the Mind video - https://youtu.be/c1tAO3y1xt8
Biology of belief video- https://youtu.be/RYAG2KUkdhQ
Man's Search for Meaning - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Man%27s_Search_for_Meaning
Feelings Buried Alive Never Die book http://www.healingfeelings.com/
Tapping video https://youtu.be/XRfLTQjJhp0