Healing Arts
Healing Arts
Sedona Method
Dr. Armitstead truly believes we create our lives. We may not have control over everything that happens in our life but we do have control with how we react and the goal is to learn to make lemonade out of lemons in any situation. One of the tools that has helped her do that is the Sedona Method. Listen to this episode to learn to let go of worry and anxiety. Yes, letting go is key. Have you ever held onto a point of view that no longer served you? Have you ever held onto an emotion from a situation that you had no control over? Have you ever held onto anxiety or tension even after the initial event that triggered it was long over? It is this form of holding on that the Sedona Method helps with. The Sedona Method teaches you not just a philosophy but actual tools you can use to let go. Holding on and letting go are natural processes that occur all the time in life and the Sedona method helps bring our awareness to where we hold on too tightly, where we want control, and helps us let go in order to be happy.
Sedona Method book - https://www.sedona.com/Home.asp
Emotional Release-