Healing Arts
Healing Arts
How to Get Healthy Post COVID
Unfortunately with Omicron Dr. Armitstead has now seen enough post-COVID patients from various strains to create this podcast. Good news is if you have gotten COVID and still feel off in any way she has some health tips to help you feel like your old self again.
Post COVID or long haul COVID are the terms used when symptoms or signs persist for more than two weeks after COVID-19 onset. Dr. Armitstead explains that symptoms can continue for months after and include fatigue, headaches, poor focus or attention, shortness of breath, and so much more. Symptoms after having COVID-19 continue after the initial infection because the SARS-CoV-2 virus goes into the body causing more inflammation than the average virus. The number one place that inflammation hits is the air ways and lungs because that’s how it gets into the body. Then Dr. Armitstead explains that the second place this virus hits is the liver and things you can do to boost up your immune system to reduce the inflammation while supporting the lungs and liver. She also shares that the SARS-CoV-2 virus attacks the liver similar to the way the Epstein Barr virus (EBV) does to the liver and how they both attack the thyroid as well. So please listen to this episode if you have a thyroid imbalance, especially Hashimoto's, liver concerns or any other autoimmune disease for Dr. Armitstead shares her theory of all autoimmune diseases and it's not what you think.
Please share this episode with your friends and family so we can help each other post-COVID.
Thyroid Healing Book: https://www.medicalmedium.com/thyroid-healing
Post COVID study: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-021-95565-8
Inflammation relief: https://healingartsnyc.com/shop/inflammation-relief
Wellness Blend https://healingartsnyc.com/shop/wellnessblend
Hydroxygen https://healingartsnyc.com/shop/hydroxygen-cellcore
Glutathione: https://healingartsnyc.com/shop/glutathione
Health Benefits of Turmeric: https://healingartsnyc.blogspot.com/2016/04/turmericis-brain-health-miracle.html
Sleep Well Podcast: https://www.buzzsprout.com/894679/3795920