Healing Arts
Healing Arts
Heavy Metal Detox
In this episode Dr. Armitstead explains how heavy metal toxicity can cause headaches, stomach pain, Alzheimer's and more. She also explains detox symptoms, what the enterohepatic circulation is, and how eating beans can help detox. Getting rid of heavy metals in your daily life is a big part of it and Dr. Armitstead explains how to do that as well with aluminum, arsenic, lead, titanium and mercury.
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Welcome back. I am Dr Alicia Armitstead. I'm a chiropractor who uses muscle testing in my office to help people feel better and get well. Muscle testing is the tool I used to identify the energy of certain toxins in the body. After identifying these toxins, I then help support the body to figure out what supplements are needed to help the body. Detox know detox is actually a hot topic. Usually the word is thrown around for a way for people to lose weight. But I'm using a here to specifically reference the need for the body to detox poisonous things like heavy metals or heavy chemicals that may be stuck in the body causing inflammation. This inflammation can cause symptoms like toxins in the brain actually give headaches. If the taxes they're stuck in the stomach, they can cause stomach pain or bloating. Stuck in the large intestine, one can suffer from constipation, diarrhea. These toxins can be from last night's dinner, or they could be from 30 years ago, and that the body actually never got rid of either way. Supplements were given to support the body to detox. The supplements used to my office are to support the body, not force the body. The majority of supplements we give our food based, and they open up the body's own detox pathways. Where Western medicine. If they were to detox heavy metals, they use ivy drugs to force the metals out of the body. This is cold calculation. It can get faster results for patients, but it also can put a lot of stress on the body, the liver and kidneys in particular, making the person feel worse before better. When Western medicine tests for heavy metals, they test through the blood and hair. But sometimes muscle testing picks up on it, and blood and hair tests do not. Because the medals aren't in the hair or the blood, they're actually stuck in the organs in the tissue, even at the cellular level. So to help the body detox, one supplement may be needed to help pull the toxins up out of the cells and the tissue into the bloodstream. Once the toxins air in the bloodstream, they find their way to the liver, the liver than detox is them and dumps them into the small intestine, where they make their way into a large intestine to be excreted out. But if you're constipated, then the toxins just sit in the large intestine and can be re absorbed right back into the bloodstream. So sometimes patients also need to take a binder to help with that. Ah binder is something that binds to the toxins to get it out. A lot of the times in the office we use charcoal or fiber supplements. Ah, binders also needed because of Aunt Erica Paddick recirculation When toxins move out of the liver into the small intestine, that's what interrogate Paddick recirculation means. They moved this way using bile, which is Ah, fatty liquid made in the liver. But it's in the small intestine at the last part of the small intestine, right before entering the large intestine, where we absorb fats and bio is a fat so toxic bile gets re absorbed and not just a little bit. But 95% of it gets re absorbed in one way. The body's actually being smart and wants to reuse fat soluble vitamins and hormones that are in the bio. But then the toxins get re absorbed as well, not just the vitamins and hormones. So the only way to actually prevent the toxins from not getting re absorbed is if they're bound to something not fat soluble like fiber or charcoal. Now, when I start to help a patient detox heavy metals, it's something that has to be watched closely. If too many heavy metals get pulled up and out, the liver can get overwhelmed and backed up. And then a lot of the toxins stay in the bloodstream. And this way patients actually get detox reactions and can feel worse before better. And that's not the plan. People who come see me have suffered for way to loan already. There's no reason to make them feel worse. So when detoxing, someone slow and steady, wins the race, and patients usually feel better within days two weeks of detoxing. But if we do end up detoxing too fast. Symptoms include headaches, constipation, diarrhea, fatigue, irritability, skin rashes. You could feel like you're starting to get sick, but you don't quite get sick. These could be detox symptoms. But a lot of my patients already have these symptoms because they're toxic, so sometimes it's hard to tell. I just help patients to contact me. If anything gets too intense, our test kits contained 45 different heavy metals. So let me go through some of the main medals I help patients detox. The heavy metal that comes up probably the most is aluminum. It's in our daily lives. It's really hard to get rid of. Unfortunately, it causes big health problems. If we don't detox it, it's scientifically proven that it causes Alzheimer's. The brain absorbs aluminum very well, and it's one of the main places where aluminum it gets stuck in the body. When I helped patients detox aluminum, I tell them to do their best to avoid aluminum foil. Aluminum pots, aluminum cans. Stainless steel is fine. Tough Lina's find life. Teflon gets scratched underneath. That is aluminum. I don't drink out of aluminum cans. Don't eat anything out of cans like canned beans. Tomatoes. Soups to avoid baking sheets. They're aluminum. Everything in the oven should be glass or ceramic. Well, at the very least, a parchment paper can help. You can put that down. Make sure the food doesn't touch the aluminum pans. There's aluminum in deodorant, so definitely check your deodorant. The good news is a lot of companies are Do have aluminum free deodorants now I even saw Dove makes one. Now aluminum is and vaccines. They used to put mercury in them, and now they switched over instead of mercury. The current vaccines have aluminum. Good news is is we help people detox from vaccines all the time. There's aluminum in them, others formaldehyde as well. The next toxin that's very common is arsenic, which we know as a poison that people slip into food and drink to murder each other. But it's unfortunately in our soil, so it's found in brown rice, shellfish. While water and wine. I don't suggest making sure you don't have any of these. We just have to be careful to not have them all the time. I know brown rice is supposed to be healthy for you, but it actually absorbs it right from the soil. For whatever reason, Brown rice does that, but not white. Rice lead is another common toxin, which isn't just from lead paint, but it's actually from car exhaust. Even unleaded gas contains up to 0.5 grams of lead per gallon. This is to account for accidental or US contamination with lead in the gasoline distribution system, which may carry leaded gas in the same pipeline. While the allowance of 0.5 grams per gallon sounds small, it's worth emphasizing that both the C, D, C and E p. A. Have concluded that there is no known safe level of lead exposure in urban areas. I think this can add up, so just do your best to be careful. Ah, lot of might New York City patients. I suggested having air filters in a bad room. Definitely when you're walking behind buses don't breathe in. Mercury is another hot, heavy metal that I detox. I mean hot does, and a lot of people tend to have it. It comes from seafood and fish. I ask patients to eat lower mercury fish, such a salmon, shrimp, cod, sardines. Avoid the higher mercury fish shark, swordfish, I tuna king mackerel. It's an old vaccines, and it's in the Malcolm fillings. Patients tend to have it when in their thirties or older. The good news is, dentistry is changing, so bank patients in their twenties tend notto have the, uh, Malcolm fillings. Interestingly enough, the Malcolm fillings are mercury silver, their mix of metals. But other ones tend to have gold or gold caps on when you have gold with the amalgam fillings, it can be more toxic because the metals play off of each other and they tend to leak more into the body. Another heavy metal is titanium. Titanium is actually a whitener that we use in our toothpaste or chewing gum. It's an SPF lotions makeup, and we have to be careful with that. So get an alternative truth paste. Look at your ingredients now. It might not be on the tube. Actually, it might be in the box of ingredients you throughout. You know it's Google. The ingredients SPF lotions. Active ingredients is titanium dioxide, so you're looking for one that has zinc. Instead, that's the healthier choice. Makeup. It's hard to. I use a makeup line called 100% pure. It's in Duane Reade stores. It's also online. And if you're wondering about any of Europe, products could be lotions, makeup, even cleaning products. You can go to E W G dot or GE, and they have thousands of products that they score on how healthy it is. Zero being really healthy. 10. Actually being carcinogenic, I suggest staying with a score of 012 maybe three. Otherwise, try to find a different product. They have an app to called. Think dirty. It's easy to use. You can just scan in the bar code, so ah, healthy body will be able to detox on its own. All these talks since I talked about aluminum mercury titanium titanium actually is used on body parts, replaced knees or shoulders. Or, if you have any pins, actually in teeth implants have a titanium screw, so sometimes there's nothing we can do about it. The goal. It's just a maintain help support the body to be able to detox whatever might be leeching. Sometimes titanium is an issue for these patients, and sometimes it's actually not. So it really goes patient by patient, but a healthy body will be able to detox on its own toxin in toxin out. So try to have a diet high in fiber like beans, vegetables. It'll really help. We also try to do anything to help support the liver and the kidneys, and over Lifetime that should help in. Even if it does build up on the liver starts having trouble. The good news is with the right nutrition and food supplements, the body can detox. Next episode. I'll talk about heavy chemicals. See you then