Healing Arts
Welcome to Healing arts podcast! I am Dr. Alicia Armitstead where I try to make healthy living a reality by talking to my audience about eating well, how to sleep better, healthy ways to detox, stress management tips, mindfulness, exercise, the power of meditation and prayer and everything else that one can do to live their healthiest life.Whether you are suffering from headaches, arthritis, allergies, insomnia, infertility, digestive issues, pain, eczema, acne, etc. or are in good health and want to continue on that path this podcast of living well, eating well, and being well is for you!
Healing Arts
Fertility Health
Live Well, Eat Well, Be Well
Season 1
Episode 22
If you want the healthiest pregnancy and childbirth this episode is for you. Or if you are having trouble conceiving or keeping the pregnancy know that we are here to help. Dr. Armitstead goes through, in detail, her 8 health steps to incorporate for better fertility for both men and women. The steps include eating healthier, decrease plastic use, what common fertility supplement to take, the importance of better sleep, how to decrease stress, the importance of exercise, and how chiropractic care and essential oils can help.
Pesticide intake on fertility-study in JAMA