Healing Arts
Healing Arts
Thyroid Health Part 1
This is a great podcast if you want to learn the real reason you have a thyroid condition or if you think you have a thyroid condition but your blood work is normal. There are so many natural things to do and to actually avoid for better thyroid health that Dr. Armitstead shares in this podcast. She explains the need to stay away from pesticides, artificial sweeteners, low fat diets (or diets high in the wrong fats), why you don't eat certain foods raw, and why it's important to avoid soy, sugar, and highly refined, processed and packaged foods if you want to heal the thyroid. She also explains how fluoride and mercury toxicity interfere with thyroid function and what to do about it and how stress plays a big part in thyroid hormone imbalance. Listen to this podcast if you want to learn about healthy fats in general and which fats to avoid even if you don’t have a thyroid condition.
Thyroid Healing book by Anthony Williams
Fluoride causing hypothyroidism - https://jech.bmj.com/content/69/7/619.full
Mercury Toxicity and Thyroid Hormones
For more info on the blood sugar, adrenal, thyroid triad read Why Do I Still Have Thyroid Symptoms? When My Lab Tests Are Normal by Datis Kharrazian