Healing Arts
Welcome to Healing arts podcast! I am Dr. Alicia Armitstead where I try to make healthy living a reality by talking to my audience about eating well, how to sleep better, healthy ways to detox, stress management tips, mindfulness, exercise, the power of meditation and prayer and everything else that one can do to live their healthiest life.Whether you are suffering from headaches, arthritis, allergies, insomnia, infertility, digestive issues, pain, eczema, acne, etc. or are in good health and want to continue on that path this podcast of living well, eating well, and being well is for you!
Healing Arts
How to Protect Yourself from Inflammation and Chronic Disease
Live Well, Eat Well, Be Well
Season 1
Episode 9
In this episode Dr. Armitstead explains how chronic inflammation is the root cause of all disease. She explores the differences between acute and chronic inflammation and how to prevent acute inflammation from turning into chronic inflammation by supporting the lymphatic system. The goal is always preventative healthcare for chronic inflammation is linked to allergies, asthma, cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, neurological disorders, digestive disorders, chronic pain, insomnia and more. Learn her favorite anti-inflammatory health tips!