Healing Arts

Emotional Wellbeing Part 1

Live Well, Eat Well, Be Well Season 1 Episode 40

In this episode Dr. Armitstead explains how your emotions create biochemical reactions in your body leading to unnecessary stress on the body that can cause all sorts of health concerns.  She explains how emotions really are just energy that runs through the mind and body, communicating something to for you to become aware of.  She shows how thoughts are a choice  and you can choose happiness and that one of the tools to help is meditation but not just silencing the mind.  To get the full benefits try a full cycle of communication where you share whatever is on your heart and then listen to that inner voice.  In part 2 Dr. Armitstead gives more tools you can use to put your mind and emotions at ease and explains more about the subconscious mind and what hinders us from living our healthiest, happiest lives.  


Meditate with Dr. Armitstead - https://youtu.be/2V-i9KU58ls